Worst Army Bases - The world's most mysterious and secretive armies run from dangerous mountaintop strongholds to seemingly impenetrable underground hideouts. Then there are bases on remote islands that track space objects and state-of-the-art laboratories that research deadly bacteria.

The design of the base must address the immediate needs of the military while still being flexible enough to remain effective as threats and technology change. Brad Schultz, former vice president of construction at HNTB, says

Worst Army Bases

Worst Army Bases

Background: Formerly a missile radar in the 1970s, the old system is still in use, with the runway serving as an emergency landing area.

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It's quite the opposite: Its location—1,200 miles west of Anchorage, Alaska, and only 200 miles east of Russia on Shemia Island in the Aleutians—makes this desolate place interesting. It also serves as a fuel station and emergency stop.

Introduction: One of the largest coral islands in the world, the United States placed a base there during World War II.

How it's unique: Besides the abundance of coral reefs, rockets are another big part of this Pacific island. Kwajalein Atoll provides a testing ground for radars, tracking devices, missile launchers and many other technologies. It should be remembered that SpaceX successfully launched its first Falcon 1 rocket from Kwajalein Atoll.

The U.S. leases 11 of the 97 small islands that make up the archipelago and surrounds the central ocean, which is suitable for resupplying aircraft supplies. and radio traffic. Today it is also the site of an "air fence", a radar array.

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History: What began as Camp Detrick in the 1940s became a US military base.

How It's Special: The farm in Maryland met where Fort Detrick, the site of the United States military weapons program, was established, meaning that the launch of the program in 1942, which was created shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, was home to wild experiments. environmental toxins and many other things we don't want to know about.

Using the creations of scientists in the defense, the US military conducted six experiments in San Francisco, sending ships from the coast of the American city to release boosters into the atmosphere. After the military program ended in 1969, the facility became home to the US Biological Defense Program.

Worst Army Bases

History: Originally built as a Cold War naval base, Norway sold the site and eventually leased it to the Russians, who now use the site for "research". (Now the US military wants some of it.)

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How it's special: Along with the backstory of Norway vs. Russia that started the site, which turned into Russia now operates ships and planes within Norway, the same place offers quite a bit of space. Drawn from the mountains, at its base are buildings, the world's most bomb-proof area, and many ports.

History: A small island located off the coast of Washington, the United States military bought land on Indian Island in 1939. the last stop in front of the Pacific Ocean since then.

What's unique: The West Coast's last deep-water weapons depot without restrictions, the tiny island allows ships — as large as Nimitz-class aircraft carriers — to load and unload weapons. The facility has more than 100 "magazines" to store weapons, which are hidden in the surrounding hills. Every ship that leaves the Northwest Territories receives supplies from the island, which can ship anything from US Coast Guard boats to submarines to aircraft carriers.

Background: India and Pakistan have long been at loggerheads over the ownership of the Siachen Glacier, which is also home to four plus Indian troops.

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How it's special: Located at an altitude of over 21,000 feet, the Siachen Glacier is not your typical battlefield. At the top of the mountains in the north of Jammu and Kashmir, both India and Pakistan contested the site, although the Indian army has bases and controls two major mountain passes. With high winds, high winds, low air and freezing temperatures, not only are these areas expensive to operate, but they are also expensive in terms of human injuries.

History: The public first heard of this secret site, now run by the Department of Homeland Security, in 1974, but it has been around for much longer than that, with weather records dating back to the 1800s and used during World War II.

How it's special: Mount Weather's history is full of exhibits, with a less well-known history. Although it was born as a weather station in the 1800s and later became a camp during World War II, the shelter part of the site was completed in the 1960s and a training center was created in the 1980s. The Department of Homeland Security managed the shelter, and it served as an operational center, housing high-ranking officials during emergencies, such as Vice President Dick Cheney during the 9/11 attacks.

Worst Army Bases

Also home to the FEMA National Radio System, the location of the Blue Ridge Mountains was largely unknown until a 1974 plane crash near the site brought public attention to its location when reporters were prohibited from approaching.

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History: Kapustin Yar was one of the first rocket and missile test sites in the Soviet Union. It was launched on May 13, 1946 and a year later tests began on the German A-4 (V-2) rocket. The first of the captured weapons was sent on October 18, 1947.

How it's special: In addition to the first missile tests, Kapustin Yar was the site of one of the Soviet Union's first suborbital animal flights. In 1966, the secret base became a cosmodrome, which is still in operation today.

The Soviet military introduced several dogs to the world in the 1960s, including the Kosachka and Otvazhenia puppies. The nuclear test site was also home to five nuclear test sites in space and is home to several Soviet-era UFOs. Many are known as the "Roswell of Russia."

The nearby town of Znamansk was privately founded to support the scientists and engineers working at Kapustin Yar. No one was allowed to visit without a government permit and it was not on any official map.

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History: The former military base from the 1940s was given a new identity after the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. It became a weapons testing facility and was also used as a training center and spy academy.

What's special: Famous for the replica of Osama bin Laden's house that was built on the site for naval training, Harvey Point - a place behind security fences and cypress trees covered in Spanish moss - served as a CIA base for many years. . Wrapped in plastic wrap. As more and more people begin to lose the secrets of Harvey Point, its use is not only a weapons testing ground, but also a training ground, it has been revealed, by everyone from the CIA, FBI, SEALs and counter-terrorist groups around the world. Passing through the place.

How special: Reverse engineering has always felt like a secret. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside Dayton, Ohio, has been used by revolutionary aircraft for over 103 years, mostly during the Cold War. Add to that the fact that Hangar 18 has something to do with the Roswell crash, and conspiracy theorists are excited about the Wright-Patterson plot — and the mystery.

Worst Army Bases

History: The area began as a port under Louis XII in 1514. The navy was added in 1599 and changes have been made since then.

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How different it is: Europe's premier naval base and currently home to over 70% of the French navy, the East Coast Arsenal has continued to grow and expand over the years. The site built the country's first steel ships and the world's first modern submarines.

History: Apparently built sometime in the 2000s, the Chinese turned the caves into nuclear storage facilities.

How special: The Chinese took over a resort island and turned the underwater tunnels into an entrance to an underground weapons depot. This submarine, which uses technology known in the mining and oil industries, allows submarines to enter the harbor undetected, turning caves and harbors into homes for many nuclear submarines.

Background: Thule Air Force Base is located 800 kilometers from the Arctic Circle, making it the northernmost US military base. sent in. Major in the summer The base can be icy and remote, but the 12th Space Warning Squadron operates an intercontinental early warning system from Thule, while the 21st Space Wing handles space surveillance operations.

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How special: Schultz, who worked on renovating the Thule dormitories, explains that construction workers need to build on the hardest part of the permafrost they can get to. When the temperature drops below -60 degrees Fahrenheit, the soldiers are on guard

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