Worst Military Uniforms - Just when you think you've seen everything there is to see on the Internet - from tactical coolies who scream, "I wanted to join the military, but..." to retired generals from Rear Adm. Until someone calls Jack Meehoff - The Internet offers:

The stolen model looks like a uniform pattern copied from a funny military stock photo: Officially, "We are a Navy officer's uniform, the white armband is a military officer's uniform." or "Complete seaman seaman captain uniform for officer uniform?" Can you call him? It's hard to tell because Alibaba.com, an online marketplace that sells mostly goods made in China, has two awkward capitalization and typos for one shirt. The dresses are available for purchase only at parties and prices start at $58.80.

Worst Military Uniforms

Worst Military Uniforms

And that's not all! Not only will you take home a 'shield badge' and 'two swords tie', but a pound worth of paperweights, insults, insults and insults from complete strangers, who will take the opportunity to be proud. Be a meme!

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Now, contrary to what the product page says - and I can't believe I have to say this - it has nothing to do with anything

For starters, this outfit has a blue Marine Corps dress jacket, but instead of the blue pants normally worn with that outfit, it has black pants and no blood on the pant legs.

Who is this man—with the Johnny Bravo-esque hair and cool aviator glasses—is he a sergeant admiral or a four-star staff sergeant? Maybe a staff sergeant? It's hard to tell because he's wearing four.

Officers are the rank of sergeant, but you cannot be a naval and flag officer at the same time.

Everything You Need To Know About Army Uniforms

Which brings me to the hat, which is not a navy blue cap, but rather a gold oak leaf band on the brim, along with those stars, as if stolen by a naval flag officer. it's fun."

There are also random prizes, including one that looks like Army Reserve Components overseas training tape, which when put together looks like a bunch of Home Depot paint on the chest. On the wrong side and called it a day.

Rounding out the ensemble are a bunch of random accents and embellishments that make me feel like this outfit was put together with a bag of similar items from a basic exchange. There's a "security guard" badge you can rip off a Halloween costume, hell, maybe it's real - I'm questioning my sanity at this point. Then during World War I there was an attempt to slap on the French uniform worn by members of the 5th and 6th Marine Regiments for their unit service at the Battle of Belleau Wood. But unlike the picture, the original Fourragere is dark green with a thin red stripe along its length.

Worst Military Uniforms

Oh, what else? It has the Naval Aviator insignia and the Chiefs of Staff insignia - because why the hell not? - and a pair of US Army cavalrymen crossed their swords. Last but not least is the utility belt around Batman's waist, which is more visible here.

Yemeni Police Pictured Training In Desert Dressed In Garish Bright Orange And Brown Uniforms

Now, if you're wondering who the Mil-spectrum cosplay purist is and who's responsible for spreading it around the world, you're not alone. Fortunately, "What is Alibaba.com?" Helpful video from the company According to the video, the company is an online marketplace founded in 1999 "primarily as a search platform with a directory of Chinese manufacturers." The existence of an e-marketplace based in China may explain the use of trademarked US military uniforms, such as the sergeant rank insignia, by US Navy personnel.

Regarding Alibaba.com's "Military Officer Uniform," a Navy spokesperson told Task & Purpose that the service does not have permission to use its trademarks.

"The USMC Trademark Licensing Authority does not license textiles from China because of the increased risk of child and forced labor," said Navy Capt. Andrew Wood. "US Customs and Border Protection [and] confiscated US military-themed clothing from Shenzhen Tenghong Garment Co., China, currently being sold on Alibaba," it said.

However, online marketplaces are notoriously difficult to police for trademark infringement, and as Task & Purpose has previously reported, removing infringing goods can be a piece of cake.

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As terrible as the clothes are, they're unlikely to disappear from the internet anytime soon, but at least we'll record all the mistakes.

James Clark is Deputy Editor of Task & Purpose and has been with the publication since 2015. He is a veteran of the Afghanistan War and served as a combat correspondent in the Marine Corps. James is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day reporting of the editorial team, tagging stories, approving pitches, editing and ensuring that stories published on the site meet Task & Program's editorial standards and audience preferences. Contact the author here We've talked about the best uniform inventions, but what about everyone's favorite military uniform? We dug in to find the worst, most annoying, and most uncomfortable military uniforms, according to veterans and service members.

Garrison's cap, an extra garment called a Dixie cup, requires nothing on top. Now you have to buy an extra metal part for this; Some might call it a little ridiculous, and once it's painted (which is easy to do), you'll never get out.

Worst Military Uniforms

Most soldiers agree that almost all military boots are uncomfortable for their feet. These oxford dress shoes top the list. It's hard to get the right fit, usually a little too big or too tight around the toes.

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Again, the military uniform is easily dyed, but at least the shirt will be purple to begin with. Ironing plums is no fun.

The problem with this outfit is the contrast between men's and women's military uniforms. Men have pockets and should be buttoned up, women have no pockets and should not be buttoned up. It's not easy to have ribbons six and a quarter inches without a pocket. If men can only make eye contact, women have to do a little more math.

Former Navy SEAL "Ask for a Belt," says Nick MGTV on YouTube. This black cloth belt should be cut to fit the waist and worn at all times. Maybe you should be a little more patient.

As you can probably tell by now, we're tearing up the entire Navy uniform. Most veterans and active duty personnel agree on its quality and high maintenance. These pants get dirty very quickly. The material shows a lot of oil on your fingertips, wears off quickly and doesn't last long.

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Almost everyone agrees that the navy still needs some updating, but let's take a look back at some of the discontinued military uniforms and see how far we've come.

West Point Cadets of the 19th Century Active Army. Full dresses fit so well that you're afraid you'll gain weight. It has a high collar made of tightly pressed linen with a metal buckle that rubs against your neck. It has 43 brass buttons to keep it looking nice and shiny.

To eliminate all this, the jersey is made of wool. Yes, the same wool you find in big flannel or rusted winter coats. Imagine it's spring, it's 78° Fahrenheit, the humidity is high, and it starts to rain that day. From head to toe in heavy wool.

Worst Military Uniforms

We've spent enough time on the Navy, let's talk about the Air Force. In 2012, General Mark Wells wore a new uniform to command the Third Air Force. Some comments from Air Force magazines:

Good Riddance, Blueberries! Navy Bids Farewell To Its Worst Uniform Ever

“General Wales looks like a Russian crown prince at an embassy ball. what's that Come on, General Lemay never wears it! "

One soldier said he couldn't last more than two hours in this shirt blouse. Something about those awkward high collars made many soldiers very uncomfortable. However, we give them a good look and feel.

This outfit isn't American, but we just are

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